Visit of Sergei Gauthier. Agreement on cooperation in the field of donation and organ transplantation.

On July 20, a significant event took place in the Irkutsk Regional Clinical Hospital: the Minister of Health of the Irkutsk Region Oleg Yaroshenko and the Director of the National Medical Research Center for Transplantology and Artificial Orchids named after Academician V.I. Shumakov "of the Ministry of Health of Russia, the chief transplantologist of the Ministry of Health of Russia, the head of the department of transplantology and artificial organs of the First Moscow State Medical University named after I.M. Sechenov, chairman of the All-Russian public organization "Russian Transplant Society", academician of the Russian Academy of Sciences Sergei Gaultier signed an agreement on cooperation in the field of donor and organ transplantation. The parties agreed on cooperation in the field of donation and transplantology.
On the same day, the All-Russian Scientific and Practical Conference "Donation and organ transplantation"
Chronology of the events that preceded the signing of the Agreement:
The Administration of the SSPB of the IOKB concluded an agreement No. 8r of May 21, 2018 on long-term cooperation between the SBEI of the IOCS and the FGBU of the NMC TIO named after Academician VI Shumakov,
3 specialists: a surgeon-hepatologist-2, an anesthesiologist underwent a thematic improvement (72 hours) on the basis of the FGBU of the NMTs TIO named after Academician VI Shumakov.
Готье Сергей Владимирович, академик РАН, Директор ФГБУ НМЦ ТИО, главный нештатный трансплантолог МЗ России озвучил требования по оценке готовности регионом к этому виду медицинской помощи: On March 29, 2018, a meeting was held in Novosibirsk on transplantation in the Siberian Federal District where Gautier Sergey Vladimirovich, Academician of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Director of the FGBU NMC TIO, the main non-standard transplantologist of the Ministry of Health of Russia announced the requirements for assessing the region's readiness for this type of medical assistance:
- The agreement on long-term cooperation between the medical institution of the region and FGBU NMC TIO named after academician VI Shumakov.
- Training of specialists of a medical institution on the basis of the FGBU NMTs TIO named after Academician VI Shumakov.
- Assessment of the readiness of the medical institution for liver transplantation personally by SVGotya - Director of the FGBU NMC TIO, the main supernumerary transplantologist of the Ministry of Health of Russia.
- Signing of the agreement on long-term cooperation with the Government of Irkutsk region (Ministry of Health of Irkutsk region).
Throughout the world, there are a huge number of terminally ill people who need to transplant internal organs and soft tissues, as traditional methods of treating the liver, kidneys, lungs, heart give only temporary relief, but do not change the patient's condition.
The region's need for specialized medical assistance in the field of "Transplantation of human organs and tissues", including kidney transplantation, is very high. About 800 patients with chronic kidney disease of the fifth stage are currently on dispensary registration and receive dialysis treatment, most of them show a kidney transplant procedure. Successful transplantation will allow them to abandon these long and costly procedures that affect the quality of life.
The development of transplantation in the Irkutsk region is inextricably linked with the National Medical Center for Organ and Tissue Transplantation. acad. VI Shumakova, where specialists are trained to provide this type of activity. Since 2003, this type of high-tech medical care is provided in the Irkutsk Regional Clinical Hospital.